
The smart factory of the future starts here.

MTConnect is a set of open, royalty-free standards intended to foster greater interoperability between controls, devices, and software applications by publishing data over networks using the Internet Protocol. With uniform data, developers and integrators can focus on useful, productive manufacturing applications rather than translation. Data sources include: machine tools; equipment; sensors and sensor controllers; and other factory hardware. Applications that consume MTConnect data provide more efficient operations, improved production optimization, and increased productivity.

The MTConnect Institute

The MTConnect Institute is a 501(c)(6) not-for-profit subsidiary of AMT with its own Board of Trustees and membership. The MTConnect Institute is one way that AMT shapes the future of global manufacturing.


MTConnect Institute's mission is to create open standards to foster greater interoperability between devices and clients by defining the structure and terminology used in communications in the discrete parts manufacturing sector.


MTConnect Institute's vision is to enable the ease of access to manufacturing device data.


Reduce the complexity of interfacing equipment, devices, and software applications. Facilitate the adoption, implementation, and expansion of the MTConnect standard. Create a sustainable funding strategy for the MTConnect Institute.