Summer AMT Economic Outlook Webinar

Near-term prospects for the U.S. manufacturing industry are looking brighter than the mid-afternoon sun on a Lake Michigan beach, but there are bottlenecks that could slowdown growth and challenges that could put impending growth on hold for some manufacturing industries. Prepare your business for what’s ahead and the hurdles to watch out for by joining AMT economists who will interpret current economic indicators, answer questions, and offer insight on potential challenges. Date: July 27, 2021, at 11:00 a.m. ET

Summer Economic Webinar Video Recording

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Meet our Speakers!

Steve Miller

Steve is the author of the #1 selling book in trade show history, How to Get the Most Out of Trade Shows. His latest book, UNCOPYABLE: How to Create an Unfair Advantage Over Your Competition, is an Amazon #1 best seller. Known for his edgy, no-spin-zone style, Steve has advised AMT/IMTS since 1988, and is the facilitator of the monthly IMTS webinars.His consulting clients have ranged from solo entrepreneurs to Fortune 100 mega-corporations, including Proctor & Gamble (advising on the Swiffer WetJet product launch), Boeing Commercial Airplane (the 777 launch), Haas, Sunnen, Big Kaiser, Q-Mark, GE, Fanuc, ESAB, Caterpillar, Philips Electronics, Coca-Cola, and Halliburton, to name a few. Steve has presented over 1600 speeches and workshops around the world for corporations and trade associations in 128 different industries, including the prestigious main TED Conference.

Pat McGibbon

Patrick McGibbon was promoted to Chief Knowledge Officer for AMT in early 2019. As CKO, Pat is the association’s chief economist, ombudsman, and a member of AMT’s Strategic Alignment team. He heads survey expansion projects, inter-association collaboration in business intelligence, R&D on intelligence projects, and is staff liaison for AMT’s Economics & Statistics Committee and AMT/USCTI’s Joint Statistics Committee.

Christopher Chidzik

Chris is currently the Principal Economist at AMT – The Association for Manufacturing Technology where he examines trends in the overall economy that affect the demand for manufacturing technology. For over five years, Chris has managed surveys which compile the data necessary to get a full picture of the U.S. manufacturing landscape. Prior to AMT, Chris held varied roles in data analytics, research, sales, and marketing in an array of industries and settings. Chris holds a master’s degree in economics from The American University.